It all starts with a dream: a couple has decided to join their destinies and engage the whole world in it! That first call produces anxiousness, expectations, planning: everything has to be perfect.
And here the process begins. With an email or a phone call in which one or both of the future spouses inquire about dates, availability, schedules… Will it be a villa or a beach? How about a location with some historical significance? So many choices, so many dreams…
At this point, the couple is already considering the number of attending guests, their ages and nationalities, their budget, the type of wedding ceremony (religious, civil or symbolic).
For this reason, at Iris Design we provide an exhaustive questionnaire: we don’t want to leave out any important details. We become the confidants and accomplices of the future spouses in order to learn in detail their tastes and preferences. Each couple gives importance to different things; for some, the most important thing is the decor, while others believe that the food or music are most important.
Once we have done an interview in person or even via Skype, we can suggest menus, types of food, music, bands, dance floors, locations, churches and decor: a fully-customized proposal accompanied by an initial price quote.